About Us
On July 4, 1980 we founded Cape Cod Potato Chips, Inc. and revolutionized the snack food industry by creating all-natural potato chips. Now with our new company, Late July Organic Snacks, we hope to do for crackers and sandwich crackers what we did for potato chips in the 80s. While it's popular now to make products without trans fats and hydrogenated oils, in the 25 years we've been making snack foods, we've never used them and will never use them. Also, we will never use corn syrup, genetically engineered ingredients, dangerous pesticides, added growth hormones, antibiotics, artificial colors, artificial flavors or preservatives.
What We Offer
Our products are all certified organic, they include: Classic Rich Crackers, Round Saltine Crackers, Bite Size Cheddar Cheese Crackers, Peanut Butter on Classic Rich Sandwich Crackers, Cheddar Cheese on Classic Rich Sandwich Crackers, Mini Peanut Butter on Classic Rich Sandwich Crackers, Mini Cheddar Cheese on Classic Rich Sandwich Crackers and Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Mini Banana Creme Pie cookies.